Provisions to Assess Outstanding Scholarship of International Students in Yangzhou Polytechnic College

Chapter 1   General Provisions

Article 1 These rules are formulated in accordance with the related regulations of Jiangsu province and the country, for the purpose of implementing the principles and policies of overseas students’ education, promoting the improvement of comprehensive quality of overseas students, cultivating high-quality of talents with global perspective and overseas culture communication.

Article 2 The outstanding scholarship of overseas students includes the learning excellence scholarship and individual scholarship. All scholarships are assessed mainly according to three aspects: fundamental quality, academic records and quality expansion evaluation.

Article 3 The procedures of The Learning Excellence Scholarship shall apply to our school’s officially registered full-time Language Students and Diploma Students in Yangzhou Polytechnic College.

Article 4 The Learning Excellence Scholarship is divided into first-class, second-class and third-class. The bonus amount and award winning ratio is divided into 1st class scholarship of 1500 CNY/ person per year, which occupies no more than three percent of the student participating selection; 2nd class scholarship of 1000 CNY/ person per year which occupies no more than eight percent of the student participating selection; 3rd class scholarship of 500 CNY/ person per year, which occupies no more than seventeen percent of the student participating selection;

The individual scholarships include academic star, sports star, star of art, social activity star and growth star. The bonus amount is 200 CNY/ person per year. Number of scholarship winners will be decided by SIEYPC accordingly.

Chapter 2   Fundamental Quality Evaluation

Article 5Fundamental qualities for evaluationG1 includes learning attitude, physical and mental health and civilized behavior .

1.     Learning Attitude

The student should have a clear learning objective, be humble and fond of learning, study hard, respect their lectures, do not have reason of absence or lateness, help classmates and take an initiative in teaching and research.

2.     Physical and Mental Health

The student should be conscious of physical and mental health, establish constructive interpersonal relationship, and take an active part in physical training, sports contests, cultural and recreational programs. Love labor and pay attention to personal hygiene.

3.     Civilized Behavior

The student should abide by the relevant policies and decrees formulated by the Chinese government and the rules and regulations of Yangzhou Polytechnic College.

No violations of law and discipline.

Fundamental quality evaluation is mainly assessed by the class teacher, monitor, and classmates. The total score is 100, among which class teacher assessment occupies 50%, monitor assessment occupies 20%, and classmate assessment occupies 30 %. The assessment of students’ fundamental qualities will be unqualified if the score is below 60. People who fail to pass the fundamental qualities evaluation do not have the chance to participate in scholarship evaluation.


Article 6 In the event of any of the following situations, fundamental qualities of evaluation are not satisfied.

1. Anyone, in violation of the provisions of the laws, who has been punished by a public security entity or by justice department.

2. Anyone, who has flouted any of the rules and regulations of the school, and has been punished.

3. Anyone, who is unqualified, in a variety of examinations and appraisals of their apartments.

4. Anyone whose misbehavior and misconduct has a negative influence on other students.

Chapter 3   Academic Records Evaluation

Article 7 Academic records are scored by average of international students’ scores. Calculated as follows: G= ΣXi×Yi/ Σyi.

Xi refers to marks of each subject included in evaluation;

Yi refers to credits of related subject

The assessment of students’ academic records will be unqualified and they will not be eligible for scholarship evaluation if they fail to pass any exam in the academic year under review.

Chapter 4   Quality Expansion Evaluation

Article 8Quality expansion evaluation (G3) refers to the ability that students acquired in the year through their special skills, creative spirit in academic, sports, literature and art achievements or social activities, etc. YPC encourages students learning at all levels to actively take part in all kinds of academic, sports, literature and art, or social activities, in order to understand the Chinese culture, and promote mutual communication.

Article 9 International students can win the score if they take part in some academic, sports, literature and art, or social activities and so on. They can win two scores each time in the above aspects. The total scores they win cannot exceed 20 and it will be added to the student’s total score.

Chapter 5   Evaluation Institution and Procedure

Article 16 The School of International Exchange should set up student’s quality comprehensive assessment leading group (assessment leader group), and all classes should set up class assessment group. Assessment leader group consists of 3-5 people, with the Dean, the General Party Branch Secretary, the Vice Dean in charge of International Students’ Affairs and the Vice Dean in charge of Teaching Affairs inSIE acting as the leaders of the group, and the Director of Student’s Affairs Office, class teacher and student representatives as the basic members. The assessment leader group listens to the report from class teacher or class monitor, supervises the process of assessment and judges any objections in the assessment.

Article 17 All classes should convene a democratic appraisal meeting for review by class teacher when conducting the evaluation of fundamental quality (G1), and the calculation of specific scores should be completed by class assessment group.

Article 18 The evaluation of course scores (G2) should be calculated by class assessment group and the counting process and result should be under the supervision and verification of leader group.

Article 19 The scores of quality expansion (G3) can be obtained with students providing materials of evidence and class assessment leader group verifying all these materials.

Article 20 Results of the assessment mentioned above should be reported to school assessment group for final verification and announcement after the calculation of class assessment group and the signature verification of students themselves.

Chapter 6   Evaluation Result

Article 21 The final score (G) of comprehensive assessment is regarded as the basis of the competition of scholarshipsthat is, G=G1×10%+G2×70%+G3×20%.

Article 22 The result of the quality expansion assessment is regarded as the basis of the competition of individual scholarship like academic star, sports star, star of art and social activity star. Students who don’t have outstanding achievements but take an active part in various activities can be encouraged to be awarded an individual scholarship of growth star.  

Article 23 Different opinions concerning the result of assessment should be submitted to school assessment leader within a week, and should be settled within three days.

Article 24 The result of the comprehensive quality assessment can be taken as the basis to select excellent graduate and recommend student(s) to employer(s).

Chapter 7   Supplementary Articles

Article 25The provisions are authorized by the school, and SIE is responsible

for the interpretation. The provisions take effect from October 1, 2019.

