就医指南 Medical Guide
病人就诊流程Patient procedures
1. 病员来院Patient coming in
2. 购买病历Purchase of medical records
3. 出示病历Disclose medical records,
4. 挂号Registration
5. 到各科门诊就诊Out-patient visits to various clinics
6. 大处方审核The prescription is examined.
7. 转诊Referral
8. 临床诊疗Clinical diagnosis and treatment
9. 开单检查、治疗、处方Make out a list of checks, treatments and prescriptions
10.划价、收费Make-up and charge
11.检查、治疗、取药Examination, treatment and medication
12.肌肉静脉注射输液Intramuscular infusion
14.离院Discharge from hospital